
Bullfighting Walks of San Miguel Arcángel

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These bullfighting walks of San Miguel are the most important celebration and the one that highlights the most in Villamanrique. This celebration is the one that attracts more tourists and neighbours. During a few days, the celebration is enjoyed, but the thing that highlights the most is the bullfighting walks that are celebrated every afternoon in the streets of the city, ending in the main square of the town.

It is thought that this celebration comes from the reign of Charles V, because during the XVI century, the herd of cows and ox was common because of the rancher tradition of the town. It is said that the one who started this tradition was D.José Lamo, who told his neighbours to tame their bulls and cows in order to use them in the farm work, and, at the same time, be used as an spectacle for people.

From then, the new ranchers of the town needn’t to be worried by their cows once in a year because of this celebration. The tradition has been adapted in our lives and acquired as a great cultural and ludic celebration. These bullfighting walks attract a great number of tourists every year that help the economy of the town.

This ludic festivity has evolved from the origins. In the first years, it consisted of bringing the cows from the countryside with the help of some horses in order to make them to run through the streets of the town to the Main Square. When they were in the square, they were left to come back to their respective places to do their farm work. Nowadays, this has evolved, and these cows just run through the ‘Calle Grande’ to the Main Square. When they get in the square, they are returned to their estates by lorry.

Other activities that are made during these days are: the speech of 28 of September, religious celebrations (Saint Mass and the Procession in honour to the Saint of 29th), the bullfighting walks, some open-air dances, and theatral performances. In some of the streets there are some snacks bars and attractions for children. In this way, everyone can enjoy this incredible celebration that has a great tradition.

This festivity was declared of Regional Touristic Interest in 2014.

Fiesta de Interés Turístico Regional


Dates and location

Del 28 de septiembre al 3 de octubre de 2016
Streets of the town

Visit hours

Look at the schedule in the Tourism Office.



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