In this mine, located in the foothills of Sierra Morena, in the southern part of the province of Ciudad Real, up to 6,400 specimens of six different species of bats have been detected. Specifically, the cave bat, the medium-sized buzzard bat, the large buzzard bat, the medium-sized horseshoe bat, the large horseshoe bat, and the Mediterranean horseshoe bat.
The close relationship between this refuge and the Niefla and Ojailén tunnels is noteworthy, as a large part of the breeding colony of cave bats overwinter in these shelters. The micro-reserve has a total surface area of 5.37 hectares and a Peripheral Protection Zone of 63 hectares.
To access the mine, you need to look for an exit on the road that goes from Solanilla del Tamaral to El Hoyo. This exit it is on the left hand side, after a very clear sign that appears shortly after starting the descent towards the small pass after a roundabout. If you are careful not to disturb drivers, you can leave your car at this exit, so that you can walk the rest of the way on foot along a good, comfortable path.
As this is a very fragile area, visits must be made with special care so as not to disturb.
More information in the Town Hall.
Enclavado en un bello paisaje al sur de Puertollano y ya cercano a Sierra Morena, la mayor riqueza turística...