12079 inhabitants
A 100 Km. from the capital
Socuéllamos and its long wine-growing tradition are found in the extreme north-east of the province of Ciudad Real, within the natural region of La Mancha, in the upper Guadiana basin. In the northern part of its municipality, the wetlands of the Córcoles and Záncara rivers stand out.
Although there are Celtiberian and Roman remains in the surroundings of Socuéllamos, its origin dates to the 13th century, during the reign of Fernando IV. At that time the small village shared the term with the current Villarobledo (Albacete) until they were segregated because of a dispute over a nearby well. Later, Don Juan Osórez (Master of the Order of Santiago) ruled that any inhabitant who settled in the area his house and planted and worked the vine would be exempt from taxes (except for the tithe to God), so the inhabitants of Socuéllamos soon gave themselves up body and soul to cultivate the vineyards, forever marking the lifestyle of the town. The document signed by the Master, whose purpose was to repopulate the area in the context of the Reconquest, is known as the Puebla Charter, a law that was in force for several centuries.
https://www.turismociudadreal.com/pueblos/78/socuellamosThe festive calendar of Socuéllamos begins the night of January 16 with the eve of San Antón, celebrated with the traditional "luminarias". After that, the Carnival is celebrated, a day of fun attended by many tourists in disguise.
Holy Week, austerely Castilian, enjoys well-deserved prestige as it has been documented since the end of the 16th century. The most highlighting thing are their processions and steps that carry on their shoulders religious images made by artists of Socuellamos.
In the month of May there are two celebrations of interest: the Crosses is a festivity that revolves around the baroque crosses or altars, which is celebrated from 30 April to 3 May although the crosses of the neighbours are exposed throughout the month; On the Sunday closest to 15 May the pilgrimage of San Isidro is celebrated, a rural celebration in honour of the patron saint of farmers that opens the way to summer.
The summer concludes with the August Fair in honour of the Santo Cristo de la Vega, a week of celebrations that takes place between the 9 and 15 of August with all kinds of religious and cultural activities that attract the surroundings. A little earlier, on the Sunday closest to July 10, San Cristóbal, patron saint of the drivers, is celebrated; it is a party of recent incorporation into the festive calendar.
In the month of September, the patron saint festivities in honour of the Virgin of Loreto take place; they take place during the week of September 8, the big day where the Offering of the First Must obtained from the harvest takes place. Parallel to this Christian celebration, residents and tourists enjoy the International Wine Fair of La Mancha: Manchavino; is a celebration that has activities from January to December, and in the first week of September has tastings in the elegant Patio del Vino, located at the foot of the Torre del Vino Museum, to give way to the harvest and its rituals.
At the end of the year takes place the Fair and Festivities of All Saints, unique throughout the national territory, result of the zealous maintenance of the tradition of the trade fair, which took place in Socuéllamos on the completion of the harvest.
These festivities merge with other artistic and cultural celebrations of renown; highlight the National Theatre Show, the International Folklore Festival, the concerts in honour of Santa Cecilia, the weekends of Jazz...
La Feria de Agosto dura entre el día 9 de agosto y el día 15 del mismo mes. Es como se conoce a las Fiestas...
En Socuéllamos se celebra una solemne e intensa Semana Santa marcada por una gran cantidad de cofradías...
Manchavino es una jornada de interés regional que ocurre en Socuéllamos y que celebra, a lo largo de...
Las fiestas en honor al patrón del campo tienen lugar en Socuéllamos el domingo siguiente al 15 de mayo....
Socuéllamos is one of the most important wine producers in the province. Despite the considerable extension of its town centre, it has not lost the traditional serenity that the people from La Mancha breathe, whose activity is always around the square; the oldest is the so-called Church Square, historical place that has seen grow around the old Town Hall, the Parish Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción and the house of the Mendoza or of the Comendadores where Santa Teresa de Jesús stayed.
In the Plaza de la Constitución is located the current City Hall and the chapel of the Assumption; around it there are several shopping streets. The Carmen Arias Art Center and the Reina Sofía Auditorium Theatre are also essential places for the cultural life of the town.
Distributed along the urban network and the countryside in the outskirts, several hermitages with different origins and styles decorate the town; some of the most noteworthy are the Sanctuary of ‘Nuestra Señora de Loreto’, the hermitage of San Antonio and the hermitage of San Isidro, where the pilgrimage is celebrated on the day of the saint.
On the outskirts of the town, in the place called Molino de la Torre, there is a Roman bridge over the river Záncara; other vestiges of this time are several Roman roads within the term. Besides, in the countryside there are some peculiar buildings of dry stone without mortar that are called huts; it is believed that they were used by shepherds and farmers during the origins of the village.
Este puente romano, conocido como Puente del Molino de la Torre está emplazado sobre el río Záncara y...
Junto a la Iglesia, aparece la Casa de Mendoza, que era la Casa de la Encomienda que la Orden de Santiago...
El Santuario de Ntra. Sra. de Loreto está situado en lo que fue cementerio hasta el siglo pasado. Es...
El 30 de diciembre de 1723 se decidió construir una cárcel, una sala capitular y un archivo enfrente...
La iglesia parroquial, junto con la Casa de la Encomienda y el Antiguo Consistorio, conforman la llamada...
En el término municipal de Socuéllamos se localiza el LIC Humedales de La Mancha y la ZEPA Humedales de La Mancha
Socuéllamos is part of the following tourist routes:
El paisaje de La Mancha se caracteriza por ser plano y en él dominan los cultivos agricolas. Poseemos...
En este museo se expone una importante parte del patrimonio cultural de Socuéllamos, ya que en sus salas...
Ubicado en una antigua estación de ferrocarril, el Museo Torre del Vino es un edificio en el que se han...
Los hermanos Delgado son una familia que llevan en el negocio de la viticultura desde 1940. Su bodega...
La Bodega Delgado Collado se encuentra en Socuéllamos, Ciudad Real. Son famosos por su excelente trato...
Desde hace más de seis generaciones, los viñedos de las Bodegas Cautela han dado alegría y un producto...
Bodegas y Viñedos Los Ángeles es una gran empresa exportadora de vino ecológico que cultivan en sus propios...
La Finca el Refugio es una Bodega Singular situada en Socuéllamos, Ciudad Real, en el corazón de Castilla-La...
Las Bodegas Juan Pablo II nacen cuando, en 1986, un grupo de viticultores de Socuéllamos se asocia para...
La tradición familiar fue el origen de este complejo de bodegas en el año 1977, cuando Juan Bastida Juliá...
Esta bodega fue fundada por los hermanos Román y Santiago Cantarero, quienes en 1997 decidieron reconvertirse...
Situada en el corazón de la Mancha, las Bodegas la Hoz mantienen un estilo Chateaux francés rodeada de...
La Finca de Tinedo se convirtió en bodega en el año 1846, por lo que es una de las más antiguas de la...
Situada en Socuéllamos, en pleno corazón de Castilla-La Mancha, las Bodegas Cristo de la Vega se ha convertido,...
Fundada en el año 1980, la SAT Virgen de Loreto pretende unificar a todos los agricultores de la zona...
ALcoholes y VInos S.A., o ALVISA para abreviar, es un proyecto de futuro fundado por Adolfo Fernández...
The artisans of Socuéllamos manufacture religious crafts, tanned leather, wood, furniture, and artistic forge.
You can buy the tasty D.O.P. Queso Manchego and water it with magnificent D.O. Vino La Mancha.
There is a great variety of gastronomy to taste throughout the year if you visit Socuéllamos. For example, in winter you can eat typical stews like almond porridge. In harvest time you can consume crumbs "rollers", must cakes, rice and must. During the hunting season the most traditional dishes are the pickled partridges, the hare with rice or potatoes, the gazpacho manchego and the shepherd’s cake.
The gastronomy of Easter is both abundant and tasty. Highlights include the stuffed stew, cod in all its varieties, the torrijas of wine or milk... and the best desserts are the rice "con duz", a sweet rice cooked with honey, cinnamon and aromas of lemon and orange.
Although it is not a time of celebration, in Socuéllamos they are always willing to offer typical regional dishes. At any time of the year, you can eat pisto manchego, lamb stew, loin orza, freshly baked breads, homemade sweets, wines and the popular "zurra" based on white wine, lemon juice, soda, banana and peach...
From 1 to 8 September takes place the International Wine Fair of La Mancha: Manchavino, although there are all kinds of activities related to wine throughout the year.
In these days of September, the wineries show their facilities, offer commented tastings and explain the process of wine making. Also takes place during these days the Plaza del Vino, where numerous wineries of the area give to taste their broths to the thousands of citizens and visitors who approach, as well as products of the area as the great manchego cheese and the exquisite ham.
GR 164 Section 1 Cañada Real Conquense o de los Serranos. 132 km.
Structured in 6 sections by several municipalities: Ruidera (and the Lagunas de Ruidera), Argamasilla de Alba, Valdepeñas, Torrenueva, Torre de Juan Abad and Castellar de Santiago.
It is an important and historic Cañada that travels through cultural landscapes of first magnitude in the eastern area of the province. It begins in Socuéllamos and ends in Castellar de Santiago, although it can be done in the opposite direction, touring areas of La Mancha such as the Lagunas de Ruidera or the Campo de Montiel.
Other local routes can be found at the following link: http://www.ayto-socuellamos.es/index.php/rutas.
Small game: hare, rabbit, partridge, turtledove, quail.
Highway: CM-3111; CM-3102
Train: https://www.socuellamos.net/horarios-trenes
Bus: https://www.socuellamos.net/horarios-autobuses